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Children’s Church Freedom Worship Center is committed to providing a strong church school program in which children can learn the fundamentals of faith and begin a lifelong spiritual journey based on biblical literacy. We provide curriculum, training, and support to our teachers, who are the members and friends of Freedom Worship Center willing to explore and share their faith. Parents and many others are needed to assist in this all-volunteer effort to communicate Christian values to our children. We also offer families regular opportunities for fellowship, to celebrate children and strengthen ties within our faith community. Sunday Programs toddler childcare is provided by consistent church volunteers at 9:30. There is limited space and on a first come first serve basis.

1st through 5th graders: Classes available at 9:30. First through fifth graders worship in the sanctuary with their families before going to classes We use the ‘ Freedom Worship Centers’ model for Sunday School classes. Volunteers are always needed. A screening process does occur for all those interested in volunteering with children.

Children Embracing in Circle
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